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Donkey Mobile: Demonstration

Utilize the power of mobile technology to build the church. Curious about how it works? Sign up for our free for our online session where we'll show you how your church community can successfully be present on smartphones. Without any obligations!

Wann es Ihnen passt

When it would suit you!

1,5 hours

Online in Google Meet 
You will receive an email with a digital invitation.

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What can you expect from the online demo?

Talk with experts

Personal advice

Explore solutions for you

Time for all your questions

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Jemand schaut zu!

How can and why should a church successfully present itself on smartphones?

Curious about our solution? How does our church app work? Could this be something for your church? Sign up for our engaging online demonstration, where we will delve into the possibilities for your church in detail.


Online. After requesting a demo, we will send you all required information or contact you to find a good moment for the demonstration.


Fill in your preferred date and time in the form. We will try to make time when it suits you! If we are not available on your preferred moment, we will contact you to find another.

How long does it take?

Around 1 or 1,5 hours.

For who?

For anyone who is searching for tools to connect and equip their church / organisation.

With Sietze-Jan


User experience designer at Donkey Mobile

Working at Donkey Mobile from the very beginning, I know our product from the inside and out. I have a big passion for our product and the church! Having used our software in my own English speaking home church in the Hague, i would love to share with you all the ways in which i have seen our apps being used to equip and inspire our own and many other churches.

Yes, i would love a free online demo!

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