

Unfortunately, we cannot avoid it. The Donkey Mobile website also places cookies. Thanks to cookies, you do not have to enter the same information every time you return to us. They also help us understand how you use our website and how we can make it better and more user-friendly. It must be said: We also use them for marketing purposes.

When you visit and use our website, you automatically agree to the placement of the cookies listed below. During your first visit to our website, you will see a cookie notification informing you about it.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to measure how you use our website. With this knowledge, we can improve our website.

Properties: This cookie comes from Google and is deleted after a maximum of two years.

Name: utma, utmb, utmc, utmv, and utmz

Sharing: Google shares anonymous data with third parties.


This cookie indicates that you have visited our website. This way, we can show you relevant advertisements on Facebook. Without these cookies, you would miss relevant expressions.

Properties: This cookie comes from Facebook and is stored for a maximum of 2 years.

Name: lu, xs, s, presence, act, c_user, csm, p, fr, datr

Sharing: Facebook does not share data with third parties.


This cookie indicates that you have visited our website. This way, we can have a more relevant conversation with each other. Without these cookies, we know less about how to address you.

Properties: These cookies come from Hubspot and are stored for 13 months.

Name: __hs_opt_out, __hs_do_not_track, __hs_initial_opt_in, __hs_cookie_cat_pref, hs_ab_test, <id>_key, hs-messages-is-open, hs-messages-hide-welcome-message, __hsmem, hs-membership-csrf, hs_langswitcher_choice, __cfduid

Sharing: In some cases, Hubspot shares anonymous data with third parties. See:

This cookie policy was last modified on 23 April, 2024.

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